Running, jumping, and vivid succulent trees

Every now and again, I get my weird, random dreams that I actually remember in enough detail that I can actually blog about it like an epic story. And when I get really lucky, it comes illustrated!Turns out dreaming can really tire you, especially if you spend 2-3 dream hours running away from what you think are bad guys, but you're not really sure because it's not explained in your dream why they're chasing you, your friend simply says so, and they're waving guns about, so you may as well run for your life.In my case, I was with a friend and we were getting ready to be in a play. First we're getting our costumes ready, next we're sitting in the audience, staring at an empty stage waiting for things to happen. My friend got up and started walking off, and indicated for me to do the same. I was confused, but followed her lead. It turns out she just wanted to escape, so we spent the first part of our night out on the streets, just walking about, when I came across a succulent tree. With chunky, triangular leaves and bright orange and red flowers as big as my hand, the branches weighed down from all the water in the leaves, enough that the flowers were within my reach. I also wanted to take a cutting so I could grow them at home. I reached out, plucked one, but then found that the entire tree was infested! White caterpillars and a bright green gummy worm (yes, a gummy worm) were all over my flower, so I threw it back on the ground. I had no time to be disappointed as some mysterious guy started walking towards us - possibly a council worker or something, so my friend and I quickly disappeared.

Then we were returning back to the building where the play was being held, and noticed only a couple of silhouettes in the doorway. It turned out that rehearsal had finished, and so everyone was leaving. This was apparently a very bad thing, as my friend then told me the whole thing was a trap and to run for it. As with all stories, the silhouettes of the guys turned and saw us. Time to run! We ran through the parking lot, hiding behind cars while these people looked for us. We managed to circle around them and get ourselves out of the carpark, only to run for our lives.I got separated from my friend, and had to make my own way to... well, I don't know. I was just running. I managed to run into a hairdresser's that was still open at some ungodly hour, and I have no idea why I decided to hide there. But alas, it was a trap! They were after me too! This time with guns! So I jumped a table and ran for it. There was also at some point another shadowy figure also pointing a gun at me from a distance, though I knew they were too far away to get a good aim, so I ran. A lot of running!But it turns out I had done this twice, the first running away was a lot smoother than the second as I had more hiccups and run-ins with the bad guys, so by the end of it (whatever that was), I was reunited with my friend in some empty street, next to a postbox and a lamp post. Along came Fusco, a character from Person of Interest, who told us then that we could lock in whichever experience we wanted with a handheld video capturing device.The end!Then I woke up and realised that the dream kept me in bed for longer than I wanted! What a cruel dream, to leave me exhausted for a fun day at work :)


Oz Comic Con, Benedict, Amanda, Corin, and a quartet of vocally active troublemakers and the heartless dog


Snobbery snob snob