Caversham Wildlife Park
I'm being kind of touristy, but it's kind of fun. Managed to take a trip to a wildlife park, with a huge walk-in kangaroo enclosure as well as some other hands on attractions.I ran around mainly with my 60mm lens, which is awesome for taking pictures of everything that isn't food! It also has the added advantage of being able to shoot through fences, to an extent. There were some cute white kangaroos here as well as the usual brown variety. The poop... the poop was everywhere and everyone was walking on/through poop! You could feed them too. There was a hefty entrance fee to the park of $27 but there was free kangaroo feed in the exhibit.
The emus were kept in their enclosures of course - they were funny looking and I bet they didn't like the look of my face! There were some tourists here who asked what they were, so I explained they were like ostriches, but native to Australia. So then one of them proceeded to tell their kid it was an Australian ostrich! That kid later brushed his hand on some stinging nettle and they had to call one of the staff over to check he was ok. Australia, where everything is trying to kill you!
And then of course the pretty birds! There was also a walk-in bird enclosure, which is where I took the picture of the egret. The tern (stork? couldn't remember) and kingfisher were inside cages.
Reptile enclosure!!!
An entire walk-in petting zoo! The goats are so cute and hilarious.
And of course all the sleeping animals!