2017 - A year in review
Dear diary,2017 was a good year. Everything I'd started in the previous two years continued, and got even better.I continued to love dance and got lucky and found myself a dance partner! I did my first "real" competitions and performed really well, and even did a national championship! I love taking pictures of people dancing too.I managed to visit Singapore for the first time and loved it, and visited Japan for the second time and loved that too! Got my Silver status with my frequent flyer program, which probably won't happen ever again.Work has been hectic, kept me busy so the year went super fast.Made more barista friends and drank lots of coffee.Also got appendicitis, an impressive achievement.Still managed to draw some too, which is really impressive! Didn't write as much though. Managed to record more dreams than ever before since I've somehow kept a dream diary alive.Did more travelling, visited Hong Kong for the first time and China for the kazillionth time.I finally blogged about Melbourne, and visited Tasmania for the first time, which I absolutely loved.Went to far too many good restaurants this year (and ate fugu!), but it wasn't that that broke the bank. It was my Christmas home cooking which has put me in deficit for the beginning of this year.Looking forward, I already have 2018 all lined up (plus some), so let's see how it all pans out!SAINT PETER SAINT PETER SAINT PETER