Zensation tea house

So this weekend I went to Zensation, after I was asked the question, "which is better, The Tea Centre or T2?" and the answer that good old Google gave me was "ZENSATION"The only thing that I wasn't sure about was the fact that they don't sell black teas, only the asian stuff. However, when I got there, it didn't matter, because the place was so awesome looking with an awesome dog looking after the place.I was looking for some white and green teas, since we already have oolong at home. I don't really like herbal infusions because they always smell nicer than they taste. Anyway, so I picked some Silver Needle, Jasmine and this other green tea. It was really busy there - we were asked if we wanted to sit down and drink some tea as well - and since I like fancy places I said yes.We ordered some Gaba oolong and I had a blooming flowery jasmine-y tea thing, cause I think they're too gimmicky so I'd never get them for home, but they look nice in shops :)They had really cool equipment to serve our tea with, which always makes me happy. I then wished I had cool tea/zen stuff in my room, and also the GENIE TEAPOT. Also known as the Bodum Naoko teapot. One day it shall be mine!Anyway, here are some piccies of the tea.


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