Hanging by a Thread

Ok this is my best work yet even though it's so far from accurate that I actually still hate it. I feel like I've spammed a lot of pictures but haven't rambled much!
This one is different from all my other digital attempts because I finally decided to use a pencil drawing as my base. All my other digital fanarts have been from scratch. I think this made it a lot better since my control with a tablet is still terrible, so here are some WIPs for the entire process. Started on Sunday, finished today, which is quite impressive! I actually did a fix on his left eye because it was too small. I have to learn to be okay with redoing certain bits; the problem is that often I have to fix all the work around it too which is why I try and avoid it, but it looks much better this way. I still struggle with his face shape though since his chin isn't actually so rounded. But who wants to listen to me whinge and critique my own work.
The marmalade jar was my favourite bit! Ahahahahaha. Favourite behind drawing hair. Oh my goodness the hair. I almost died drawing the stubble, the short strokes really increase the risk of RSI, or at least that's how it feels. And I messed up the hair because it ended up being two toned (and the face vs body suffers from two tone as well). Didn't I just say I wouldn't critique myself?!
I am so happy I made my version of the flowery robe!

I wanted to leave Ed with just pink blob on him, felt fitting at the time!

That stubble. I really do love drawing hair. Lip tone is the hardest challenge and I'm still struggling to get it right.

How dopey does the line art look XD

That concludes my Our Flag Means Death fanart I reckon. I did 12 all up (13 if you count the Blackbeard scribble) which is probably the most I've done for a single show since... Yu-Gi-Oh? Wow, that's going way back.
I really hope these drawings have helped increase my original character drawing skills. I mean that was the whole point, right? Not just to love drawing hair and pretty robes and more pretty hair?!