Hades 2 early access

Spoilers ahead!

Ok, so I wasn't supposed to buy early access; I originally wanted to wait till full release and then take leave from work to binge on the game, but fate had other ideas. I one day accidentally opened Steam, then scrolled down the front page, accidentally saw a Hades 2 video, accidentally watched it, then accidentally purchased it...

Perfect timing though, the Christmas break was perfect for having a hardcore gaming session! First Windblown, now Hades 2! So epic, I haven't had a session like this in ages!

It's a bit difficult to compare Windblown to Hades 2 since they're about 6 months apart in regards to development, but my goodness Hades 2 has so. much. more. content!!! It's way more involved than original Hades, it's same same but very different - so enjoyable! It also turns out that almost 1000 hours in Dead Cells and a reply of Hades 1 way back when to achieve 32 heat really paid off; it was much easier to beat the game faster, which actually had an odd effect of making collecting materials for upgrades much more of a grind!

Anyways here are some victory screenshots including a personal best so far of 12 heat on Chronos:

Also, Prometheus is difficult. I found it extremely hard to increase the difficulty because he just sticks on you almost all the time, and I don't deal well with that without a shield (once I took 900 damage from just him!!). But, 4 Fear is good enough for now and I'll keep working on him until they release the final boss on the Surface.

And of course the romance! I started with Nemesis exclusively but then I decided Moros was pretty good looking too, so I expect that I'll get another trio romance! Leaving Dora for now cause shades aren't my thing XD

I can't wait to see what achievements they release when the game is done, cause that'll be another grind session to get them all!


Reine's Kitchen 2024


Windblown early access