MONA - the proper visit!

Finally, a chance to redeem myself! When I realised I had the chance to come back to Hobart and revisit MONA, I was determined to do this properly this time! Look at mustardy MR-II, though I ended up going on the grey MR-I, just like last trip. I've tried not to double up too much on my previous content, and I had a lot of fun properly exploring the outside too!

I didn't manage to get the shot exactly in the middle lol.

I love the trip up the river, the factories are fascinating!

This is the first winery I've noticed that doesn't allow people in it - the humanoid exclusion zone signs are hilarious!

Oh wow, this is new. This is an exhibit that wasn't there last time - it's a person who starts composing at the beginning of the day and then at the end of the day, a string quartet comes in and sight reads it. I think that's a really great way of showing an aspect of how music is created, as well as the artistic process!

This is the exhibit that leads to Faro restaurant, one of the fancy restaurants within MONA. It's a bit of a trek to get to from inside the museum and you can't use your phone or camera once you're on the pathway - for the reason that you have to watch your step; if you veer off the path there's a little drop!

Ok Faro restaurant is not only artsy, it actually makes great food! This beetroot mocktail was great!

Oyster salad, which had chopped oysters instead of whole oysters. And look at those succulents! I'd forgotten just how long it's been since I had really tasty ice plant and sea blight!

More eating the problem, this venison was soo good that I didn't actually need the cafe de Mona butter or any other condiments, but I ate it all anyway because it was all delicious!

This lemon parfait was cute, have you ever seen a cube ice cream before? Haha. All the food was so good, I should have spent more time and tried one more item on the menu too!

I think White Library was actually here last time too, but somehow I'd missed it. I'm not entirely sure how considering it's opposite Kryptos, but maybe that's exactly why I missed it haha. I love the concept of so many white pages, that's both inspiring and daunting!

And of course my favourite Kryptos. This time the exhibit had more traffic than last time, so it was fun listening to others get jumpscared by the final chamber haha. I still love the mood of this one!

And no more ladies lounge :( I missed out by a week or two, I'm so sad!

I stayed around till 4PM since I sensibly booked the last boat of the day, and was rewarded by a lovely session of string quartet performance! It was like a free concert built into my ticket, so awesome!
There was also a fun exhibit called Confession, where there's a soundproof chamber in the shape of the inner ear, and it's also super dark. At the end you get to speak out loud and the sound goes to the outside of the museum where passers by can have a dialogue! Of course anyone who is above ground and doesn't know about the exhibit would be so confused! I think that's so cool!
Whoops I forgot to post a picture (though I did take many) of a really random exhibit where two goldfish are in a shallow bowl with a knife in it. It's super fascinating to think about because from a human perspective, we freak out that it's so dangerous for the fish to be in the bowl, that being next to a knife is such a scary experience. But the fish don't know what a knife is, and it probably can't cut them, so they live on blissfully. Isn't that so interesting?
I was much happier with this visit and installed the O App as well, so I did it right and enjoyed it so much more! Hooray for art!