Date Night / Dessert Thief

A dual title because this is a combination of two ideas for the same scene! Abek and Peln are on their date night, which in itself is a cute pic. However, in that scene, they’re so distracted, that they ignore the dessert they ordered. Cue Odara, who’s just off to the side and sees this as the perfect opportunity to sneak a second dessert in!
Also from a recent theatre adventure watching the Echoes of Van Gogh ballet performance, there were these beautiful sunflower skirts that all the dancers wore. I couldn’t help but imagine that Abek would absolutely love wearing one, and that he found one at the shops and is talking dirty to Peln – “wanna see a new skirt I bought today?”.
And of course Odara then swoops in for a chunk of strawberry cake!
The Captain and Her Commander
Captain Odara and her first mate, Commander Peln.

Gosh beards are hard to draw. I also hate this because I don't think I have the heights right; Odara is meant to be shorter and I'm pretty sure Odara's floating with the way I've drawn them here.
But hey it was my first attempt at a bearded character and I gotta say, googling "hipster beard" has an interesting wikihow.