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Lunar New Year 2023

It's been a while since I've posted about an adventure. Are we finally back to the days of crowds everywhere and fun street events? Hopefully! This is the first Perth Lunar New Year celebration since 2020, and it was fun!

I'm glad I read up about the event before going - at first I'd made an assumption that it was directly in the middle of what I considered the Chinatown area, but instead, it was in Northbridge Piazza, a place I would usually go straight past or never visit, so it was good that I planned in advance!

The premier didn't make it to the festival but the deputy premier, the consulate general, and the mayor were all here!

The streets were packed with people, parades, and stalls. And look at the "3" sticker falling off the inflatable gates lol.

There was a stage where there were heaps of performances too, ranging from kids singing and dancing, all the way to adult groups who did the same!

And of course the highlight - the lion dancing and kung fu! I love watching the lion dances!

Happy Year of the Rabbit! (and cat if you're Vietnamese!)

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Angove Street Festival

Wow, I'm posting more than I thought! I'm surprised I have time - I still have so much exploration to do, but I'm glad I'm pacing it out. This weekend was a trip to the Angove Street Festival, and I was testing out my 60mm lens again. It was odd having people stop while I was taking pictures; I'm used to taking them with people just walking through the shot. I think I only like this lens for taking pictures of animals, but it's also certainly handy for getting past a crowd for some pretty cool people shots too.My weakness is always taking pictures of animals, so when there was a petting zoo, photospamming ensued: There was certainly lots to do with an entire street blocked off - vintage stalls, terrariums everywhere, food stalls, an oyster bar... as well as live music and some pretty amazing performances. Trapeze acts are amazing!And one more picture of birds, because I love birds.

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