Art Art

Quick dirty bad

I'm starting to lose it and they're not looking like the original pics anymore! Better take a break from quick dirty sketch series XD

Klayton: 18 minutes

Bonus two people!!! Root and the dino guy, Billy I think his name is? 20 minutes.

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Art Art

Quick and dirty sketches

New challenge! Drawing from blurry or non-staged lighting pics in under 30 mins. I guestimated that an hour was OK too, but so far, all under 20 minutes!

Blue Stahli: 19 minutes

Anne Lunnell: 12 minutes

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Art Art

Still life

I find this so much more difficult than drawing people, even though I am still bad at drawing people.

Also the bouquet killed me, took several days and I lost interest several times ;_; that's what happens when I am too ambitious!

The oyster was fun quick dirty though yay

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