Art Art

You make Stede happy

I'm not as happy with this one as the Ed side, capturing Rhys' likeness is much more difficult for me, but I did really want to draw both sides. I kind of rushed Ed's hair too! There is such thing as hair fatigue XD

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Art Art

I reckon what makes Ed happy is... you.

This was such an enjoyable picture to draw. Plus, I feel I finally got the likeness of Taika in this one; it's my best representation of likeness yet! Plus hair is so therapeutic to draw, like a soothing death kind of feeling. Also omg his hand. I loved drawing his hand. I can't imagine hands when I draw without reference so I'm so happy at how that turned out too!

I was super apprehensive about drawing this because my idol once complained about drawing kissing to be the biggest, messiest challenge ever, and I was so worried it would turn out like how she described it:

But, luckily, it turned out really well!

Hooray for believing in myself!

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Art Art

Jeff the Accountant

Oh my goodness I cannot begin to describe just how adorable Blackbeard is with his purple ribbons in his beard and the flowers in his hair! Seriously my favourite costume!

I actually like this one a lot better than my previous picture, this one captures his likeness a lot better, though I'm still so far off.

It turns out drawing hair textures is so therapeutic, I call it "soothing death" and it's my new term for how much I love drawing hair.

I find the full picture less nice than the crop though. I think the "shrinking" makes his face look not as good.

This series is amazing.

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Art Art

No more yummy lavender soap

I am so bad at the digital stuff still. I mean my pencil work is still not where I want it to be, but the digital drawing from scratch is insane. It just doesn't feel as tactile still. Also, the digital versions suffer the same issue with faces not being right as I do with pencil drawings. Sigh.

But I will continue to practice aaaah.

Did I mention how hard it is to draw frizzy wavy hair? I feel like i have to shake my hand all funny to achieve it XD

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