Art Art

Fish God

Ah MoonEye! The hardest to draw of all my "first" characters. This is technically MoonEye + 18 years, here's when I last felt I had a proper drawing of him:

I upgraded him from a wizard robe to a kimono, but even then I wasn't happy with all my attempts to draw him. It wasn't until I decided to add a haori a few days ago that finally I thought I could get something good, and I did!

But I still didn't have a pattern in mind, so I just went with fish scales for now. The haori on the other hand, I do like the patterning - even though it's vastly different from the original photo, the leaves are meant to be the same as those from the trees in the Land of Falling Caterpillars!

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Art Art

Freik, Demonic Guardian

Ah it's been far too long since I've drawn Freik! I also had an argument after my last attempt in Photoshop, so I finally tried out Clip Studio Paint in earnest. The colours are much more muted but that green glow is so saturated! I need more practice with it!

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Art Art

SoulMaster Preaura

Uuuugh I hate this so much I blame the lineart that I messed up multiple times, I was lazy and didn't lineart it properly when I drew it in pencil and I only have myself to blame but I have to post everything right because how else will I get beetttterrrrrr

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Art Art

Saryel, God of War

Can you believe I've been trying to get a colour picture of Saryel with a full (ish) costume design for over 20 years?!

I finally got something passable, having only recently completed the costume design. I'm not sold on the colours yet either, but it will do!

Saryel, my God of War, in her vampiric glory!

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