Art Art


This island had a small and dense forest, where insects that hung from strands floated amongst the trees, their web-like material sparkling as if there was a canopy of fairy lights above them. Small flowers glowed pink and purple underfoot. Odara looked around, as if expecting to find something here. After a few moments of nothing, she reached onto her pocket and brought out a pouch of smoked meat. She motioned for Peln to come to her, and as he did, a burst of golden light jumped out from seemingly nowhere. Odara put her hand to his sword arm, to indicate there was no danger, and eventually the flash settled into a small wyvern with golden fur, pushing its snout into her hand for the treats. As it ate out of her hand, she handed the rest of the pouch to Peln. As if it knew, it immediately lost interest with the captain, and instead began to poke around Peln's hands. The fur wasn't as soft as it looked, instead having a bristle-like quality about them. Its eyes were dark against its glowing fur, uninterested in the humans and solely trying to find the source of food that it smelled.

I don't have a name for the furry golden winged ferret thing yet, or a final design, I simply drew what was simple and sort of fit what I had in mind!

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Art Art


Because for some reason I couldn't think of a better title. I do really like how his skull shoulders turn out! Should I make the glowing eyes permanent? They will glow to indicate a specific skill maybe.

Freik is the best!

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Art Art

Yverrine in colour + 5 years

Just a colour comparison in this post! The original Yverrine drawing pre-dates 2018 but I've been happy with the pencil versions through the years, so this is just reflecting on how she looks in colour, since these are the only two versions I have. I would still like her to have a few more leaves than what I drew in this time, but she lost the extra tendrils and leaves over the iterations of her design. I think in this case, simpler is better! She looks crosseyed in the 2023 colour, because I'm still bad with faces.

I managed to get more shine and saturation in compared to Ris' panel, but the wood armour is lacking depth and definition.

Maybe I'll get to work on her again in a few years!

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Art Art

Makrie Drinks Bubble Tea

I didn't actually intend for this drawing to turn out how it did! I walked through an underpass lately with a "post no bills" sign and thought to myself, I should draw something that has that poster in the background. The vibe of it had to be similar to this world, so it ended up being Arridon. At first I thought maybe Irutha would be the one waiting here, but I've been drawing plenty of her, so the next best fit was Makrie. Why not bubble tea! That idea came after. I'm not even sure the world has bubble tea. Then I thought, this should have more meaning than just a random drinking bubble tea in an underpass. So, I figured, there should be graffiti. Meaningful graffiti, and considering I am still in a "the pigeons are drones" phase, it would be fitting for there to be messaging about taking down the government or something. So after a quick Google crash course on how to do graffiti fonts (I really hate artception; tattoos and graffiti and the like are so difficult to make up on the spot!), I went with the phrase "blind the drones", meaning hide from the pigeons. But I still need an artist tag or something, right? So there was another piece that was meant to be on here for "see no eyes", but maybe that's the signature left on the original graffiti - it'd just be "SNE" and it'd be roughly behind Makrie's head. The final decision to be made was whether or not the whole wall was made of bricks, and I really didn't want to draw that, so it's just concrete!

Making an actual full piece with background is so difficult ugh!

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Art Art

Coffee Break (in the park)

Whoops, I gave two different drawings in a short span of time the same title! With the same characters!

This is a redraw of a 2015 picture, but again, everything is so much better this time around. Ristrel has ditched the muffin for a coffee lol.

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